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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Annabelle Hooper And The Ghosts Of Nantucket' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
4 matches in composers
  1. Les Hooper
  2. Nellee Hooper
  3. Tobe Hooper
  4. Nicholas Hooper

295 matches in tracks
  1. The Ballad Of Annabelle And Johnnie / La ballade d'Annabelle et Johnnie (02:40)
    from General, The
    Lyrics by Georges Moustaki, Performed by Anna Mouglalis
  2. Nantucket (02:03)
    from American Experience, The
  3. NANTUCKET VISIT (02:31)
    from Sabrina
  4. Nantucket Docks (01:03)
    from Moby Dick
  5. Flying to Nantucket (00:21)
    from Whispers In The Dark
  6. Nantucket Docks (01:03)
    from Moby Dick
  7. Chase In Nantucket (02:40)
    from Annabelle Hooper And The Ghosts Of Nantucket
  8. NANTUCKET VISIT (02:31)
    from Sabrina
  9. Chase Walking Nantucket (02:05)
    from In The Heart Of The Sea
  10. Bikes To Beadles / Nantucket By Bike (01:36)
    from Annabelle Hooper And The Ghosts Of Nantucket
  11. Welcome To Nantucket / Ferry Deck With Salt (02:36)
    from Annabelle Hooper And The Ghosts Of Nantucket
  12. Mr Hooper (00:00)
    from Sherlock
  13. Mr. Hooper (02:23)
    from I Am Big Bird: The Caroll Spinney Story
  14. Mr. Hooper's Poem (00:00)
    from Sesame Street
  15. Minnie Hooper (01:31)
    from Doctor Who
  16. Hooper (02:52)
    from Hooper
    Bent Myggen
  17. In Noctem (02:00)
    from Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince
    Written by Nicholas Hooper and Steve Kloves
  18. Nite Hawks - Chicken Grabber (02:06)
    from Pink Flamingos
    (Nesbert Hooper, Jr.)
  19. Romeo + Juliet - O Verona (01:57)
    from 100 Greatest Film Themes - Take 2
    Composed by Nellee Hooper
  20. Loved Ones And Leaving (04:08)
    from Essential Harry Potter Film Music Collection, The
    Tracks 10-14 composed by Nicholas Hooper
Show all 295 matching tracks